In 2007, during the shooting of the Marathi film 'Mukkam Post London', director Kedar Shinde took the movie team to several famous tourist spots in London such as the Palace of Westminster, Big Ben and London Eye. At each spot, the sight of actor Bharat Jadhav in a typical Maharashtrian pyjama, a three-buttoned shirt, coat, muffler and a Gandhi topi stopped several locals and tourists in their tracks and they rushed to have a picture clicked with the actor. "The funny thing is, they didn't know who we were because they don't watch Marathi movies. Just the sight of his costume was a novelty for them," recalls Shinde. 'Mukkam Post London' was amongst the first few Marathi movies to include a foreign location within the movie's plot.
While Hindi movies with their mega budgets have been shooting abroad for several years, Marathi movies with tighter budgets, were traditionally shot within Maharashtra. Now however, it is not a rare sight to spot a Marathi film crew at exotic foreign locales such as Bangkok, Malaysia, Canada, Nepal and UK. Bharat Jadhav-starrer 'Baburao La Pakda', that was released in July this year, was shot mostly in Bangkok with other scenes being shot in Maharashtra. 'Saad', released on October 5, was shot partly in Malaysia and in Maharashtra. The film's producer and director, Hemant Dabhade says funds are a major concern when shooting abroad. "The story in 'Saad' begins in Malaysia and so it made sense for us to go shoot there. If it hadn't been part of the story, I wouldn't have gone there as it raises shooting costs by 50 per cent," he says.
Shoot on Sight full marathi movie hd
Does this mean Marathi cinema is witnessing a new trend of movies being shot abroad? "'Mukkam Post London' and 'Baburao La Pakda' both had story lines that demanded we shoot abroad and so we did. While budgets are increasing in the Marathi industry, our film making philosophy is still the same. We like to keep things real so our actors are not body-builders and neither are our shooting locations unnecessarily exotic," says Bharat Jadhav. 2ff7e9595c